Graco Date Code & Serial Numbers

How do I read Date Code and Serial Number information for Graco Equipment?

All Graco pumps and sprayers have a metal plate on them that includes a model number and a serial number. If you are looking to find a manual or get parts for your sprayer, having this information is paramount. Graco markets their paint sprayers with the same or at least very similar sounding names even though the machine itself can be quite different under the shroud. That and most people only remember the number of the unit like “I have a 695”.

Date Code:
Graco uses two date code formats to indicate when product was manufactured.

1. M YY S

  • M     A letter indicating the MONTH a product was built. A- January, B-February, etc.
  • YY  The last two digits of the YEAR
  • S      A letter indicating the SERIES code of the product

2. M YY S PPPPPP ######

  • M    A letter indicating the MONTH a product was built. A- January, B-February, etc.
  • YY  The last two digits of the YEAR it was made
  • S    A letter indicating the SERIES code of the product
  • PPPPPP     PART NUMBER of unit – a six digit number that could be all numbers. New units incorporate a letter in the third position
  • ######     Unique serial number A series of numbers indicating the sequence of manufacture. (101 is the first product in a series, 102 is the second, etc.)

In or about 2020 Graco has changed to a new format that incorporates all this information into a long string of numbers and letters starting with the model number, the batch and serial number. I like the new format because it is all inclusive; get that number and help is easier to provide.

Posted in Graco, Products.